January 18th - Jamaica, Iowa

Apologies for the delay, but now I'm happy to add reports from Jamaica & Scranton!

You cannot miss the turn into Jamaica due to the brightly coloured sign situated along Highway 141 which appears to be a nod to it's tropical namesake. We found plenty of shots to take in this small town of around 200, and were even met by a welcoming committee (a rottweiler I think) running up the street to greet us! It is interesting to note that the city is home to a music recording studio, one of the largest in the midwest and where Slipknot recorded their recent Billboard #1 album!

7 shots were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, with 3 added to the updated article on Wikipedia. Here are a couple of my favourites:

And one of our "greeter" that didn't make it!

Jamaica, Iowa pictures on Wikimedia Commons
Updated Jamaica, Iowa article on Wikipedia

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